Hope they adapt to the changing circumstances. A well matched couple will get through everything
No need to be down on all marriages, even though some do fail
i saw this sign (i'm sure the bride must have bought it) at a wedding rehearsal dinner yesterday.. yes, the smiling bride was there ordering her soon to be groom around as they were setting up their party decorations.
i'm sure today october 5th will would be the happiest day of their young lives.. have you ever noticed that many movies end at the wedding ceremony?
because for the vast majority of marriages that is the best it ever gets!
Hope they adapt to the changing circumstances. A well matched couple will get through everything
No need to be down on all marriages, even though some do fail
i'm sure that the agm is in october but has a date for it been released?.
One of those leftover feelings is that Oct 4,5 is the time for jehovah to act. Never happened yet but God must be a gregorian. They never said if the proper international date line should be at Jerusalem though
external photos have previously been posted here.
4442 j m turk road, flowery branch ga 30542. from the gainesville times:.
jehovah's witnesses open new kingdom hall in flowery branch.
It didnt look as stark as some of the other new builds with that stripe. Flat roofs are notorious for leaks and outside air handling equipment has more weather problems; but you don't need to climb into an attic. Ever hear of nail guns?
I can remember local pride on our cobbled one off halls we really did by ourselves. This will have the opposite affect.
Brother big with his coat on and pacing around to keep order will set the AC to 65 and freeze out the little old women
since they’ve announced the dates for the next 3 memorials, no talk about this “may be our last one!”.
since they’ve announced the patterson construction project will take 3 years to complete.
let’s also not forget when they designed warwick, they spent money on expensive energy saving technology to save millions in the long run, years and decades in the future.
The utilities will be done by the rank and file. We just think we will be getting pandas and eating grapes. Probably stand us against the door and notch our ear
a woman is suing a local congregation ("kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses, roy, utah, an unincorporated association"), individual elders and watchtower ny after, she claims, a judicial committee forced her to listen an audio recording of her own rape.
the trial court summarized the facts as alleged by the plaintiff as follows:.
at the time of the judicial committee, plaintiff was fifteen years old.
.” A group of three elders (the Elders)<2> presided over the judicial committee. Williams voluntarily attended the judicial committee with her mother and step-father. The Elders questioned Williams for forty-five minutes
The voluntary attending we all know is not really true
mrs nic' and i were 16 and 18 years old respectively when we first met at a circuit assembly in corby.
three years later we were married.
we've had a great time, we're very lucky but looking back i can see how crazy it is to put that pressure to marry on teenagers.
The not even holding hands mentality us the more damaging. Wife and I are from before the crazy restrictions. We were virgins, but had a pretty good idea about e everything short of. We have had a good sex life
Part of the problem is being " forced" to marry an unattractive mate
wt inc derives a steady stream of income from the "kingdom" halls the took out of the hands of the builder founder congregations.
why sell ?
do they anticipate that the stream will continue even if the asset is gone?.
The CO commented strongly about donations falling off at least once. No mention that brother " fell In to a pile of money" left.
At a convention a GB speaker mentioned how charity was keeping up despite grim economy I thought maybe he meant it for a minute, that we were taking care of each other, then he commented that the money coming in to " the least of christ's brothers " hadn't slackened. Those ÷%4&$^ dont know what least means
reports indicate that many people are physically and emotionally getting sick because they are disturbed by political matters.
some require professional help!.
There is a meanness on both sides. ranting maniacs and snake oil salesmen. If you can find one you kind of like you still find a puppet master in the background. Some of are probably mentally Ill anyway and some if the things we see or imagine seeing turn our stomachs
just yesterday, a pimi jw that i've known for years told me that at the end of a wedding they recently attended in pennsylvania, usa, the "brother" that officiated the ceremony concluded by saying to the bride and groom, "you may now embrace the bride.
no kissing.
just a hug.
Dont know about any you, but I did way more than e,embrace or kiss. Life partner
well she went off to the big convention this morning.
as she left i ventured a bare tiny 'dont give them money' 'they have millions.
' she spun back, (we are on pensions.).
Dobt forget that relief mostly is coordinated from nearby congregations. the old loving arrangement to participate